def dir(self, *args): ''' by defualt, ftplib.FTP.dir() does not return any value. Instead, it prints the dir info to the stdout. So we re-implement it in FtpDownloader, which is able to return the dir info. ''' info = [] cmd = 'LIST' for arg in args: if arg: cmd = cmd + (' ' + arg) self.conn.retrlines(cmd, lambda x: info.append(x.strip().split())) return info
def tree(self, rdir=None, init=True): ''' recursively get the tree structure of a directory on FTP Server. args: rdir - remote direcotry path of the FTP Server. init - flag showing whether in a recursion. ''' if init and rdir in ('.', None): rdir = self.conn.pwd() tree = [] tree.append((rdir, self.PATH_TYPE_DIR))
dir_info = self.dir(rdir) for info in dir_info: attr = info[0] # attribute name = info[-1] path = os.path.join(rdir, name) if attr.startswith('-'): tree.append((path, self.PATH_TYPE_FILE)) elif attr.startswith('d'): if (name == '.' or name == '..'): # skip . and .. continue tree.extend(self.tree(rdir=path,init=False)) # recurse else: tree.append(path, self.PATH_TYPE_UNKNOWN)
return tree
def downloadFile(self, rfile, lfile): ''' download a file with path %rfile on a FTP Server and save it to locate path %lfile. ''' ldir = os.path.dirname(lfile) if not os.path.exists(ldir): os.makedirs(ldir) f = open(lfile, 'wb') self.conn.retrbinary('RETR %s' % rfile, f.write) f.close() return True
def downloadDir(self, rdir='.', ldir='.', tree=None, errHandleFunc=None, verbose=True): ''' download a direcotry with path %rdir on a FTP Server and save it to locate path %ldir. args: tree - the tree structure return by function FtpDownloader.tree() errHandleFunc - error handling function when error happens in downloading one file, such as a function that writes a log. By default, the error is print to the stdout. ''' if not tree: tree = self.tree(rdir=rdir, init=True) numDir, numFile, numUnknown = self.treeStat(tree) if verbose: print 'Host %s tree statistic:' % print '%d directories, %d files, %d unknown type' % ( numDir, numFile, numUnknown )
if not os.path.exists(ldir): os.makedirs(ldir) ldir = os.path.abspath(ldir)
numDownOk = 0 numDownErr = 0 for rpath, pathType in tree: lpath = os.path.join(ldir, rpath.strip('/').strip('\\')) if pathType == self.PATH_TYPE_DIR: if not os.path.exists(lpath): os.makedirs(lpath) elif pathType == self.PATH_TYPE_FILE: try: self.downloadFile(rpath, lpath) numDownOk += 1 except Exception as err: numDownErr += 1 if errHandleFunc: errHandleFunc(err, rpath, lpath) elif verbose: print 'An Error occurred when downloading '\ 'remote file %s' % rpath traceback.print_exc() print if verbose: print 'Host %s: %d/%d/%d(ok/err/total) files downloaded' % (, numDownOk, numDownErr, numFile ) elif pathType == self.PATH_TYPE_UNKNOWN: if verbose: print 'Unknown type romote path got: %s' % rpath